This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ $hostname=''; $dbname='database_name'; $username='dbusername'; $password='dbpassword'; // reference: function dbopen() { global $hostname,$username,$password,$dbname; $link = new mysqli($hostname, $username, $password, $dbname); return $link; } $sql_fields = array(); $sql_types = array(); function db_select($sql) { global $sql_fields, $sql_types; $sql_fields = array(); $sql_types = array(); $db_connection = dbopen(); $statement = $db_connection->query($sql); $data = array(); while( $row = $statement->fetch_assoc() ) { $data[] = $row; } $statement->free_result(); return $data; } // example usage: // $pet = array(); // $pet["pet_name"] = "sparky"; // :pet_name[s] s means string // $pet["pet_age"] = 2; // :pet_name[i] i means integer // $pet["pet_weight"] = 15.2; // :pet_name[d] d means double or float // db_select_param("select name,age,weight from pets where name=:pet_name[s] and age=:pet_age[i] and weight=:pet_weight[d]", $pet); function db_select_param($sql, $data) { $db_connection = dbopen(); $statement = prepare_statement($sql,$data,$db_connection); $statement->execute(); $data = fetch_assoc_for_prepared_stmt($statement); $statement->free_result(); return $data; } // for some reason php doesn't implement the "fetch_assoc" function for result sets of prepared statements, so we have to do this in order to get the same effect: // XXX this should either accept a callback function to handle each row, OR instead of fetching & returning // all the records, it needs to create an anonymous function that is all set up and ready to be called for each // row and return that row. Actually returning all the records is desirable sometimes so there should be a way for the caller to choose - // let' say if the caller passes a callback function to db_select_param (optional third param after query data) then we'll use the // callback version, and if he doesn't then we'll just return all the records. function fetch_assoc_for_prepared_stmt($statement) { $result = array(); // each time we call statement->fetch the result will be in this variable $bind_results = array(); $meta = $statement->result_metadata(); while($field = $meta->fetch_field()) { $bind_results[] = &$result[$field->name]; } call_user_func_array( array($statement,'bind_result'), $bind_results ); $data = array(); while( $statement->fetch() ) { $row = array(); foreach( $result as $key => $value ) { $row[$key] = $value; } $data[] = $row; } return $data; } function db_insert($sql, $data) { $db_connection = dbopen(); $statement = prepare_statement($sql,$data,$db_connection); $statement->execute(); $newid = $db_connection->insert_id; $statement->free_result(); return $newid; } function db_update($sql, $data) { $db_connection = dbopen(); $statement = prepare_statement($sql,$data,$db_connection); $statement->execute(); $statement->free_result(); return; } function db_delete($sql, $data) { $db_connection = dbopen(); $statement = prepare_statement($sql,$data,$db_connection); $statement->execute(); $statement->free_result(); return; } function prepare_statement($sql,$data,$conn) { global $sql_fields, $sql_types; $sql_fields = array(); $sql_types = array(); // turn query with named parameters into query with mysql placeholders and populate the sql_fields and sql_types arrays for the php bind_param statement $sql_with_question_marks = preg_replace_callback('/(:\w+)\[([sidb])\]/','process_named_parameter',$sql); $values = array(); foreach( $sql_fields as $f ) { $values[] = &$data[$f]; // must pass by reference for call_user_func_array (below) to work on php5 } $types = join("",$sql_types); $bind_params = array_merge( array($types), $values ); // so bind params looks like this: ["iss", /* i */ 42, /* s */ "hello", /* s */ "world"] $statement = $conn->prepare($sql_with_question_marks); if( $statement == null ) { $result = array(); $result["error"] = $conn->error; $result["sql"] = $sql_with_question_marks; custom_error($result); } call_user_func_array( array($statement,'bind_param') , $bind_params ); return $statement; } function process_named_parameter($matches) { global $sql_fields, $sql_types; $sql_fields[] = substr($matches[1],1); $sql_types[] = $matches[2]; return "?"; } function custom_error($info) { error_log("mysql query failed: ". $info['error'] . ": " . $info['sql']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } ?>